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Ask Us Anything

  • How much will Frankie Recruitment cost me?
    Let's ditch the old-school fees. For a flat $1500 per week, plus a one-time $1000 setup fee, you get access to our expert recruiters. We recommend a minimum 4-week commitment to ensure we find the perfect candidate for your needs. You'll also be responsible for any advertising costs, with Seek ads starting at $330.
  • What's included in this setup fee?
    Think of it as our deep dive session. We'll get to know you and your needs inside and out. We'll peel back the layers and figure out exactly what kind of talent you're looking for. We'll even craft a killer job ad that'll attract the best of the best (and we'll give you 3 rounds of revisions to make sure it's perfect). Plus, we'll whip up some custom interview questions that'll help you find the perfect fit. Oh, and let's not forget – we'll also develop a killer reference check questionnaire to make sure you're bringing on the right people. Consider it an investment in your hiring success!
  • Where will the job be advertised?
    We'll blast your job opening everywhere! We'll hit up all the major job boards you're willing to pay for. Plus, we'll leverage our own channels – think LinkedIn, Instagram, and even TikTok if it vibes with your brand. We'll even tap into our own exclusive database of top talent. And don't worry, we'll also be personally reaching out to potential candidates on LinkedIn to make sure your dream hire sees your awesome opportunity.
  • Do we offer a 'find-you-another-employee' guarantee? Nope.
    Let's be real, we're not in the business of pushing you into a hire just to close the deal. We value your trust and want you to be 1oo% confident in your decision. You're the boss - you make the final call on who joins your team. Trust your gut - we always say! The Job market? It's a wild ride. Sometimes it's a hot mess, sometimes it's a breeze. We won't rush things just to fill the role (inless that's your vibe). And we definitely won't drag things out to milk the cash cow. We'll keep you in the loop every step of the way and let you know if we need to adjust our strategy. We're all about transparency and building long-term partnerships, not quick fixes.
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